Quality of education


 ALIMOV Bakhtiyar Khushnidjanovych


Reception days: Dushanba – Juma 10:00-15:00

Phone: 215-56-79

Email: alimov1187@mail.ru


Arislanbayeva Asal Berdakhovna


Phone: 215-56-79

Email: info@uzdxa.uz





In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and “On the National Training Program”, as well as the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 20, 2017 No. PP-2909 “On Measures for the Further Development of the Higher Education System”, in order to ensure a high level educational process in accordance with the requirements of reforms conducted in socio-economic spheres, as well as further improving the quality control of education in the system of continuing education, conducting state policy in the sphere of control over the quality of training and objective assessment of the effectiveness of the educational process July 18, 2017 was accepted by the Cabinet of Ministers № 515 “On organization of activity of the State Inspectorate for Quality Supervision formation of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.
In paragraph 14 of the Resolution, it is envisaged to establish a department for the supervision of the quality of education in the structure of all higher educational institutions of the republic. Based on the above decision, the “Department for Supervision of the Quality of Education” was established at the State Academy of Chorography of Uzbekistan.
The main goal of the department is to develop and implement a mechanism for improving the quality of education, coordinate and conduct work to improve the national and international rating of the academy, improve the quality of education at the academy and its structural divisions.
Control over the quality of education is an integral part of the university’s management system. The main task of the department is to ensure that the quality of education meets state educational standards and to carry out organizational work to monitor the quality control of education in the system of academy education.
The department for supervision of the quality of education in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education”, decisions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, orders and instructions of the head of the State Inspectorate and the rector of the academy.



The main activities of the department:
• ensuring the compliance of the quality of education in the academy with the requirements of the State Educational Standard (SES), implementation of the systematic monitoring of the educational process to improve its effectiveness;
• development of criteria and indicators of the quality of education and improving the mechanisms for their use in the educational process;
• studying the state of providing the direction and specialty of the academy with normative legal documents; analysis of the level of provision of university students with textbooks, teaching aids (including electronic ones);
• study the state of use of advanced pedagogical and information and communication technologies in the educational process and develop proposals for their improvement;
• study of the state of the provision of structural divisions of the university with modern material, technical, laboratory and computer equipment, analysis of the level of efficiency of their use;


Statute of the department


The Charter of the Department of Quality Control of Education at the State Academy of Chorography of Uzbekistan defines goals and objectives, functions, rights and responsibilities, as well as the organization of activities of the department for quality control of the university. The main goals and tasks of the department of quality control of education are:
• studying and analyzing the state of the provision of bachelor’s degree programs and the specialty of the magistracy of the SES and state qualification requirements, curricula and programs, their expertise;
• the study of the state of the provision of the educational process of the academy with educational and methodological literature, an analysis of the quality of the conditions of its organization; systematic monitoring of the level of the correspondence of knowledge, skills, skills – competencies of students to the requirements of the SES;
• ensuring compliance with the requirements of normative and legal documents on improving the quality of education and upbringing;
• monitoring of the quality of training;
• organization of internal certification of the academy, identifying factors that adversely affect the quality of education and the formation of proposals for their elimination;
• control over the timely elimination of deficiencies identified in the course of certification;
• monitoring of education quality indicators and preparation of proposals for their improvement;
• analysis of the quality and effectiveness of the professional development of the faculty;
• the implementation of internal monitoring of the professional qualifications of university teachers, determining the level of quality of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher qualification, as well as the quality of their qualification and retraining;
• implementation of systematic control over the quality of implementation of the academy plans for educational, teaching, research, and educational work;
• analysis of the state of the material and technical base of the educational institution and preparation of proposals for its improvement;
• analysis and assessment of the level of objectivity and openness of the assessing process of the academy students’ knowledge;
• conducting collectively with relevant departments of the university seminars and trainings on improving the quality of training specialists in the academy;
• systematic increase of professional qualification of the employees of the department for quality management of education in the academy, study of the best foreign experience in ensuring the quality of higher education;
• implementation in conjunction with the leadership of the academy measures aimed at improving the rating of the academy, etc.





The main tasks of the department for quality control of education are:
• study and analysis of the state of the provision of bachelor’s degree programs and the specialty of the magistracy of the SES and state qualification requirements, curricula and programs, their expertise;
• Study of the state of the educational process provision of the academy with educational and methodological literature, analysis of the quality of the conditions of its organization;
• systematic monitoring of the level of conformity of knowledge, skills, and skills of students with the requirements of the SES;
• ensuring compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal documents to improve the quality of education and upbringing;
• conducting of monitoring of the quality of training;
• organization of the internal certification of the academy, the identification of factors that adversely affect the quality of education and the formation of proposals for their elimination;
• control over the timely elimination of deficiencies identified in the course of certification;
• monitoring indicators of the quality of education and preparing proposals for their improvement;
• analysis of the quality and effectiveness of professional development of the faculty;
• implementation of internal monitoring of professional qualifications of academy teachers, determination of the level of quality of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher qualification, as well as the quality of their professional development and retraining;
• implementation of systematic control over the quality of implementation of the academy plans for educational, teaching, research, and educational work;
• analysis of the state of the material and technical base of the educational institution and preparation of proposals for its improvement;
• participation in the certification work of the State Inspectorate for the Study and Evaluation of the Quality of Education in Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic;
• analysis and assessment of the level of objectivity and openness of the process of assessing the knowledge of academy students;
• сonducting collectively with relevant departments of the academy seminars and trainings on improving the quality of training specialists in the academy; systematic increase of professional qualification of the employees of the department for quality management of education in the academy, study of the best foreign experience in ensuring the quality of higher education; implementation together with the leadership of the academy measures aimed at increasing the rating of the educational institution at the world level, etc.