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KHOLMURODOVA MEKHRINISO IBRAGIMOVNA DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF “CHOREOGRAPHIC ART” Phone: (+99871) 215-55-83 e-mail: xolmurodova1971@mail.ru Reception days: Monday–friday 09:00-13:00, 14:00-16:00 |
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the development of national dance and choreography in Uzbekistan” No. 1695 dated January 8, 1997 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures for the development of national dance and choreography in Uzbekistan” No. 101 dated February 21, 1997, On the basis of the Tashkent Choreographic School and the Department of Choreography of the Tashkent Institute of Culture, the Tashkent State Higher School of National Dance and Choreography was created.
The faculty of “Choreographic Art” was founded in 1997 and began its activities on the basis of two departments – “Choreography” and “Social and Humanitarian Disciplines”The higher school (institute) trained specialists in the areas of undergraduate education and magistracy specialties.The “Choreography” department began its activity in 1997 with the creation of the “Head of the choreographic group” department. In 2001, the “Teacher-Choreographer” and “Ballet Directing” departments were published.The Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences was founded in 1997. gives students knowledge in the socio-political, cultural and humanitarian spheres.The Department of Theory and History of Arts, established in 2005, provides training in the direction of education of the bachelor’s degree in Art Studies (Choreography).At the faculty of “Choreographic Art” in 2019, the departments trained specialists in the following areas of undergraduate education:1. Leader of the choreographic group2. Choreographer-teacher (Professional education)3. Art history (choreography).In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev dated October 21, 2019, in all universities of the republic, including the Academy of Choreography, a department of “Uzbek language and literature” is being created, which begins its activities in March 2020.In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PR-No. 4585 dated February 4, 2020, the Tashkent State Higher School of National Dance and Choreography was transformed into the State Academy of Choreography of Uzbekistan. To date, 390 students study full-time studies at the academy in the areas of undergraduate education, 148 students study in special-part-time and part-time forms of study. There are 31 undergraduates studying at the magistracy department. The total number of students is 569 people.Currently, the faculty of “Choreographic Art” has 4 departments, where training is carried out in four areas of undergraduate education:1. Head of choreographic groups 2. Choreographer-teacher (Professional education)3. Art history (choreography).4. Modern dance.1. At the department of “Choreography” 32 teachers teach, including leading professors, people’s artists of Uzbekistan, honored artists of the republic, honored art workers of Uzbekistan, honored cultural workers, excellent education students, senior teachers and trainee teachers who teach students in the following areas undergraduate education:– Head of choreographic groups;– Professional education (teacher-choreographer);– Modern dance.2. The Department of Theory and History of Arts is taught by 23 teachers, including professors, associate professors, candidates of science, senior teachers and trainee teachers who teach students in the direction of undergraduate education:- Art history (choreography).3. 10 leading specialists – professors, associate professors, candidates of sciences, senior teachers and trainees – teachers teach at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences.4. The department “Uzbek language and literature” is taught by 6 leading specialists – professors, associate professors, candidates of sciences, senior teachers and trainees – teachers.